Saturday, August 28, 2010

জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা: চূড়ান্ত মডেল টেস্ট-৪

সময়: ৩ ঘণ্টা \ মান: ১০০
Part A : Grammar-Marks 60
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. Use a cross (×) mark where an article is not necessary : 1×5=5
Money is called (a) — fuel of life. Though money is (b) — must in our practical life, it can not ensure all happiness. Happiness lies in contentment. (c) — happy man is liked by all. Morality plays (d) — important role in this regard. We must exercise morality in every step of live for building up (e) — corruption-free nation.
2. Read the following passage and rewrite it in past tense : 1×5=5
The farmer will wake up early in the morning and will go out in quest of work. He will toil hard from dawn to dusk for his employer and will get his wages at night. Then he will go to market, purchase his daily necessaries and will return to his hut.
3. Change the following sentences into active or passive voice : 1×5=5
(a) Did she kill herself?
(b) They ought to stop torture.
(c) Perhaps you have seen a pier glass.
(d) The green mangoes did not taste sweet.
(e) I was introduced to the plays and poems.
4. Transform the following sentences as directed : 1×5=5
(a) Bangladesh is nicer than most other countries in the world. (Positive)
(b) Every rose has a thorn. (Nagative)
(c) You are a very honest man. (Exclamatory)
(d) No one will deny this. (Affirmative)
(e) Nobody will ever trust a cheat. (Interrogative)
5. Put a suitable preposition from the box in each gap. You can use a preposition more than once : 1×5=5
off to from after in of for
(a) He came again — school in the afternoon.
(b) He is certain — passing the exam.
(c) He voted — me.
(d) A sinner has to atone — his sins.
(e) We should not be callous — the sufferings of the poor.
6. Fill in the gaps with suitable conjunctions given in the box. You can use a conjunction more than once.1×5=5
though if since whether lest
(a) Five years have passed — I saw you.
(b) — you help me, I shall remain grateful to you.
(c) — he scolds me, I respect him.
(d) A teacher knows well — a student reads or not.
(e) He held my hand — I should fall.
7. Fill in the gaps with right form of verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. 1×5=5
leave bring thank forget lead
(a) Had you told me, I — a car.
(b) False news — a nation to ruin.
(c) I went outside the room having — him.
(d) He — the place soon.
(e) She sent a reply — me.
8. Fill in the gaps with suitable pronouns from the box. 1×5=5
anyone our who whom you both same
(a) He has two brothers — live in Canada.
(b) I would do the — again.
(c) — did you see in the fair?
(d) We haven’t seen —.
(e) All the members of —family were invited to the dinner.
9. Fill in the gaps with suitable adjectives from the box. 1×5=5
great wise well other big dark little
(a) Mr. Rahman is a — man.
(b) It was a — night. (c) Dhaka is a — city.
(d) A — learning is a dangerous thing.
(e) Take — care of your health.
10. Fill in the gaps with suitable adverbs from the box. 1×5=5
Largely repeatedly hurriedly
impatiently punctually
(a) She left the room — as he was late.
(b) Meera waited — for the result.
(c) I told you — not to play in the rain.
(d) The train arrives —.
(e) Birds fly in the sky —.
11. Fill in the gaps with the phrases and idioms from the list. 1×5=5
by leaps fight belong green French
and bounds shy of to eye leave

(a) The book — me.
(b) We should not enjoy —.
(c) The price of rice is increasing —.
(d) He always — me.
(e) Do not be a — to your friends
12. Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. 1×5=5
(a) The boy said to the teacher, ‘I’ll attend my classes regularly in future.’
(b) Rakib said to Raju, ‘How are you today?’
(c) The manager said to the man, ‘I will tell you the process of opening a bank account.’
(d) My friend said to me, ‘Why are you sitting alone in your room at this hour?’
(e) The tourist said to the receptionist, ‘Please give a vacant room.’

Part-B : Composition- Marks 40
13. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a testimonial. 5
14. Read the beginning of the story and complete it in your own way and give a suitable title to it. 5
One day a man was going to Kamalapur by a taxi. He had a purse with him. It contained a good amount of money. The man was in a hurry. Before getting down from the taxi, he paid the fair. But at the time of putting the purse back to his pocket, it slipped and got into the vehicle....
15. Make a dialogue between you and Jewel about how to learn English. 5
16. Write a paragraph on anyone of the following : 10
(a) A Railway station
(b) Early rising
(c) Moon lit night
(d) Your grandmother

17. Write a composition on any one of the following : 15
(a) A Journey by train
(b) Your aim in life
(c) The proper use of time
(d) Your favourite hobby.

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